Cereales y Harinas Garsan, S.L. is one of the greatest traders in Spain for cereals, meals, oilseeds, legumes and oils; with a long time experience and increasing presence in the European countries.
Cereales y Harinas Garsan, S.L. was set up back in 1.985 as a supplier for feedstuff raw materials. The company origin is back in the early eighties when José and Manuel Alcaraz built up a society for cereals trading and cattle delivery in Lorca area (Hermanos Alcaraz; C.B.).In the year 1.985, due to the huge growth of the company, is being decided to split up the delivery activity from the raw materials trade, setting up for this purpose a company specialized in raw materials with the name of Cereales y Harinas Garsan; S.L. From that moment on, and supported by strict quality policies and continuous improvement at management areas, the company has become one of the greatest dealers for raw materials in Spain, achieving the objective of becoming a bench markin the industry.
Nowadays, the company grows year by year increasing the geographical scope and the range of traded raw materials. With this purpose, in the year 2.003 the company commenced the trading with European Union and Black sea countries.